Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Very Long Time

I have not posted in almost a year...Wow.  It has been an incredibly busy year with me going back to college to get some business classes under my belt.  I have felt the need to have a better understanding of running a business, since, you know, the creative side of me was drawing a blank on some business stuff.  I have really enjoyed the classes I have taken and am planning to take some more this year in addition to putting my nose to the grindstone in my studio.

Lately, I have really been drawn to art journaling and some fun zen doodle type techniques.  Here are a couple of drawing that I have completed.  I'm working through a personal series and these are the first two of the series. 

In jewelry news, I am working on some new enamel designs and a new enamelling technique and I am really excited to post some photos of those.

In the meantime, I hope your enjoying your summer.  It is beautiful here in Central Oregon and I am trying to absorb every last bit of it.

Sunshine & Smiles,