Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Very Long Time

I have not posted in almost a year...Wow.  It has been an incredibly busy year with me going back to college to get some business classes under my belt.  I have felt the need to have a better understanding of running a business, since, you know, the creative side of me was drawing a blank on some business stuff.  I have really enjoyed the classes I have taken and am planning to take some more this year in addition to putting my nose to the grindstone in my studio.

Lately, I have really been drawn to art journaling and some fun zen doodle type techniques.  Here are a couple of drawing that I have completed.  I'm working through a personal series and these are the first two of the series. 

In jewelry news, I am working on some new enamel designs and a new enamelling technique and I am really excited to post some photos of those.

In the meantime, I hope your enjoying your summer.  It is beautiful here in Central Oregon and I am trying to absorb every last bit of it.

Sunshine & Smiles,


  1. Hi Rikki, It is wonderful to see your drawings! So talented. =) I am in the 4th week of a creative online class I'm taking with Kelly Rae Roberts... (one of my favorite artists). The class is all about building your business, etc... SUPER INFORMATIVE! It's a 5 week course and people are still signing up for it as the material is posted from day one... There are over 500 members to interact with and it is AMAZING! The member group page is an "ongoing for life" community full of a large variety of artists (writers, jewelry makers, stampers, photographers, painters, mixed media, etc. etc.). It made me think of how you make your beautiful jewelry and have your daughter model it and have wonderful photos... just wanted to stop in to say hello. I added your blog to my "blog list". I just created my new blog the first week of class... and learning more steps along the way to further my creative soul with exciting! Take care young lady. ~ Peace & Joy, Suzanne Fernald

  2. Hi Rikki, I like those drawings. So, what have you been doing creative lately? =) ~ Suzanne
