Friday, September 23, 2011

Enamelling...and a contest

Washington State Necklace Full
For the next few weeks I am in the middle of getting ready for the Seaview Manor Bazar in Seaside, Oregon.  It is the 3rd weekend in October and I'm finding my time is running out...I haven't even made it to my sewing machine yet.  Let me clarify that statement.

I am trying to get a variety of items ready for the bazaar.  Sewing, jewelry, greeting cards and a few other goodies are being prepped to sell.  It is such a big event and on top of that its fun to be around so many other creative minds.  The vendors at the bazaar are so great and helpful and it's become something we look forward to.

My preparations today included the use of my lovely kiln.  I love my kiln so much I really should name her.  She is one hot momma.  So hot in fact that she melts glass and fuses it to metal.   Any name suggestions?   Ooooh,  I smell a fun contest.  Send me some ideas to name my kiln and the name I pick will recieve a Make a STATE~ment necklace of your choice.

Can't wait to see what you come up with.

Stay cool!

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