Monday, September 28, 2009

Personal Style

Cascade mtns&lava
(The Casade Mountains and Lava Lands Visitor Center in Bend, Oregon)

I read an article on Etsy yesterday that talked about finding your groove artistically. One of the statements that was made was that it’s important to do what you like. Find your niche by experimenting with the things that you like.

That has given me a lot of pause. The big question is what do I like? What is my style? Well, to start with, I am a pretty casual person. Blue jeans and a giant white, button down shirt or loose fitting sweatshirt are what I’m most comfortable in however, I am definitely girly and love bold colors, high heels and pretty makeup but, I don’t like to be uncomfortable…ever. All that to say, I think that would be a great way describe my style-- comfortable and feminine.

I really appreciate the article’s Etsy puts out. They are very helpful and thought provoking. It’s always so nice to get a new perspective or thought to help you define something that has been a bit indefinable in the past. I will still experiment with everything I can come up with. Enamel is so fun for me right now as is copper, especially this fall. The colors in nature are magnificent and bring out the nature lover in me.

My goal today – get out with my camera and capture some of these terrific colors and sites. I have so much inspiration to work with!

How about you? What’s your personal style?

P.S.  To find some of great articles you can go to Etsy and find the community section.  There is some great reading.

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