Thursday, October 1, 2009

Golden Retriever Fever...An Introduction

This is my girl...Abbie
Abbie Eyes
She goes everywhere with me, weather permitting of course.  Lately, I have been pondering how a person can get so attatched to a dog.  I never thought I'd love a dog so much, especially a golden retriever...that sheds...and slops her water all over the house...and likes to roll in really stinky stuff!  I do though.  I adore my Abbie.   

What does this have to do with a blog focusing on creativity?  Well, she's my studio buddy.  I have a little corner of our garage that I use for my studio.  It can get kind of lonely out there but Abbie loves to be with me no matter where I am so she hangs out with me in my studio. 

During the summer, I open the garage door and she will lounge in the driveway sunbathing.  In the winter she finds a spot near the heater and parks it.  The companionship that she provides is something that helps my mind focus sometimes.  When I'm stuck on a design, you will often find me sitting there staring at my metal and petting Abbie all while processing how to proceed.  She provides that extra calm and peace that I sometimes need in order to bring my scattered thoughts together and have them jell. 

Commic relief is also something she provides.  She is hilarious when she has her heart set on something, especially dinner.  She has this way of poking you with her nose until you give her the attention she is looking for.  Once she has made eye contact, she sits down and cocks her head inquisitively as if to say, "I love you, would you feed me please?"  The dog in the movie Up, reminds me of Abbie so much.

Abbie is not vocal at all.  I know, unusual!  We joke in our house that the only time we have heard her bark is when she is chasing a squirrel in her sleep.   Some people sleepwalk or talk in their sleep but our dog Abbie, she sleep barks, sleep growls and sleep chases. 

I have been noodling on a golden retriever inspired design.  I'm not entirely sure what it will turn out to be but I have found particular inspiration in our sweet golden child with big brown eyes and floppy ears made of silky fur.

Do you have any studio buddies?  How about a favorite pet?  Do they provide you with inspiration?  I'd love to hear about them.

Hope your day is terrific and filled with joy and peace.

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