Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Seaview Manor Holiday Bazaar

You know when things get busy and you forget to do stuff, even when there is a list in front of you?  Well, I'm there. 

It's all very exciting however, one or two things may have fallen by the wayside for an instant.  Things like updating my Etsy site or worse yet, updating my creative blog.  Sorry (she says with a down cast face). 

I am getting ready for a bazaar in Seaside, Oregon and have been buried up to my eyeballs in metal and enamel.  If your interested, the bazaar will be in 12th Avenue in Seaside on October 23 and 24.  To tell you the truth, it's not a bazaar as much as an artisan and crafters fair.  The vendors are there by invitation only and the quality of craftsmanship is high. 

If you would like to go, here are the directions.  It is going to be an amazing time! 

135 12th Avenue, Seaside, OR

I hope to see you there.  I will have some beautiful jewelry for sale. 

Bye for now!

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