Friday, September 23, 2011

Enamelling...and a contest

Washington State Necklace Full
For the next few weeks I am in the middle of getting ready for the Seaview Manor Bazar in Seaside, Oregon.  It is the 3rd weekend in October and I'm finding my time is running out...I haven't even made it to my sewing machine yet.  Let me clarify that statement.

I am trying to get a variety of items ready for the bazaar.  Sewing, jewelry, greeting cards and a few other goodies are being prepped to sell.  It is such a big event and on top of that its fun to be around so many other creative minds.  The vendors at the bazaar are so great and helpful and it's become something we look forward to.

My preparations today included the use of my lovely kiln.  I love my kiln so much I really should name her.  She is one hot momma.  So hot in fact that she melts glass and fuses it to metal.   Any name suggestions?   Ooooh,  I smell a fun contest.  Send me some ideas to name my kiln and the name I pick will recieve a Make a STATE~ment necklace of your choice.

Can't wait to see what you come up with.

Stay cool!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Oh My!

September has gone by so very fast.  School, life, jewelry, family all mix together to make a nice stew of a good life.  Alas, even though I have not posted new blogs I have been very busy in my shop creating and preparing for the Seaview Manor Bazaar in Seaside, Oregon.  It happens in October and I only have a few more weeks to put together my jewelry lines, print a new catelog and have all the appropriate pieces assembled to make spectacular booth.

Here are a couple of sneak peaks...
Stackable Rings
Stackable Rings, made from Sterling Silver. Stack as many on your finger's as you can!~ $17 per ring

Sparkle Earring
Sparkle Earrings to go with the lovely Sparkle Necklace

...and finally
Washington state necklace
Make a STATE~ment necklace~ Washington State, made from sterling silver and hangs on an 18" chain. ~$52

Christmas is drawing near so if you are interested in a handmade Rikki Fernald Design piece of jewelry, think about putting your order in early.

Blessings Everyone,

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wednesday, the middle of the week day, the first day of school for my half-way grown up children.  Middle school would be considered half-way grown up, wouldn't it?

In my shop, much hard work has been going into the design of the new catalog as well as the designs of new jewelry pieces.  I can't wait to show you the results of all this fun, hard work.  I do love everything about what I do.

For now, here a couple of photos of what goes on in everyday life around here and a few rambling thoughts to go with them. 
the fam
Todd, Moriah & Caleb enjoying fun in the surf at the Oregon Coast.
Of course our trip to the coast wouldn't be complete without a bonfire on the beach.  Our bonfire is not actually a huge fire but a small fire perfect for roasting hot dogs and making s'mores...yummy!
This summer has been filled with challenges as well as joys.  One of which is that I have started an art journal.  This is one of my first entries and I love the way it turned out.  Art journaling has become an amazing part of my life in that it allows me to write and create around a specific thought process or idea.  The importance of that to me is simply that I feel like I am able to get the whole idea down in a way that completes my thoughts.

What would you journal about if you were making an art journal?

Blessings friends!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Here it is.  The Oregon necklace.  I just love how it turned out and the fact that it's just in time for Oregon Ducks and Beavers football season is a bonus!
Oregon Necklace
So here's the info on this necklace:
Just In Time For Football Season!
The Oregon necklace is here! This necklace comes in either sterling silver or gold filled and hangs on a dainty 18" silver chain. The Oregon pendant is 1 1/5" wide and costs $55. Add a heart charm or beads in your school colors for an extra $5.

In other news, it has been an incredibly busy summer for many reasons both good and heart wrenching.  Because of all that our little family has experienced this summer, I feel so grateful for family, friends and work that I love.  I know that God uses all things to stretch me and grow me into a more rounded person and the added bonus of that is simply that I have a deeper well to draw from for inspiration.  I have so many ideas going through my head right now artistically that I'm afraid I might forget one or two.  I can't wait to show you some of them.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Jersey Shore

Okay, maybe not...but it makes for a great title don't you think?
I have a wonderful friend who lives in New Jersey and she saw a photo of my fascination necklace.  She loved it so much but was also thinking she really wanted a necklace in the shape of her favorite state...New Jersey.  She asked me to keep the idea of the Fascination necklace, add a silver heart and make the whole thing out of silver.

Here is the lovely result.  I am thrilled as is she. 
I'm calling this the "Make a STATEment" necklace...the next one on the list...Oregon. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


This summer has gone by so fast.  Life has brought many challenges over the last couple of months but with challenge comes introspection and, I dare say, some inspiration.  I've had a couple of fun ideas floating around in my mind for about 2 years now and have finally been able to begin working them out in a little bit of metal. 
Fascination is what I'm calling this one.  The materials I used were gold filled and silver with czech glass crystals and hand made balls of fine silver all hanging on an 18" chain.

I think it's fitting for these fascinating days of summer.